Registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office
Click here for a copy of the parish council’s registration certificate.

Information available from Studley Parish Council
As a local authority the parish council must ensure information about who we are, what we do, the funds that we use, the decisions we make and so on is available for all to see. We have tried to make as much of it available on this website as possible and to help clarify the sort of information we must provide, a publication scheme has been produced based on the Information Commissioner’s Office model document for parish councils. To view and download a copy of it please click here.

The council’s Freedom of Information Policy is available here.

Information for Transparency Code compliance
Parish and town councils that spend or receive more than £200,000 each year are required to provide additional information as follows…

  • details of expenditure exceeding £500 to be published quarterly (see our Financial Information pages).
  • data relating to Government Procurement Card transactions (we don’t have one).
  • data relating to procurement information (see our Financial Information pages).
  • details relating to local authority land we are responsible for (see our Financial Information pages).
  • social housing assets (we have none).
  • grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (see our Financial Information pages).
  • organisation chart (see our Parish Council page).
  • trade union facility time (not applicable).
  • parking account (not applicable).
  • parking spaces (not applicable).
  • senior salaries (no member of staff earns more than £50,000pa).
  • constitution (not applicable. Parish Council rules and procedures are included in Standing Orders).
  • pay multiple (not applicable), and
  • fraud (not applicable here within the context of the Transparency Code).

More information on the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 is available from here.